We feel as though the Rollback Build is stable enough to use as our primary release. If you want the backup IKEMEN Go build, you'll find it here!
Update 2024, October 16th
This is it. The final major IKEMEN branch update.
No, seriously this time.
Our roadmap has been a little shaky -- it's sort of inevitable, we're new to this -- but with confidence we can finally call this game finished. It won't be without ANY more updates, given the inevitable nature of balance concerns, and a small handful of things still unfinished (really, it's just the Enemy AI, and a couple of unique character intros.) We wanted to leave this game feeling as complete as possible so that our venture into a new engine would be held back by as little gameplay changes as we can manage. As such, we put our all into spicing up the mechanics, and introducing the last of its major components.
First is Craze Collision, an offensive-based Craze Gauge tool for shutting down Heartbreakers. Then there's Vault, our version of what you would call a 'Super Jump.' Lastly is an overhaul of certain combo systems, from more generous Dire Combo routes to a bigger emphasis on OTG combo extension. Even if your favorite character didn't recieve any major changes, there's something for everyone within the branching out of the base system.
- Jumping out of a Dash will now grant forward jumps with increased distance
- Added Vault, a forward-moving jump with extra height and a level of horizontal control. Running or Dashing before performing a Vault will increase its overall forward momentum
- Added Craze Collision, a global special attack that costs 2 Craze Gauge, which can be used in neutral, comboed into from Normals, or chained into from a blocked Special. Craze Collision is a 15 frame attack that can be held to delay for 10 more frames and increase its effect. On contact, the opponent will have a percentage of their Guard Pressure filled out, and their Heartbreaker will be put on cooldown. On hit, the opponent will be put into a Hard Knockdown state if uncharged, and Wall Bounce if charged. On block, the attack is +1 uncharged, and +7 charged
- Various Command Normals and Specials have had their Dire triggers changed to better suit combos (For example, Tsugumi’s LP "I'll Overwhelm You Until You Quit!" will now cause a Crumple when used at the beginning of a Dire Combo, as well as trigger a Dire Extension if used on a grounded opponent, but won’t trigger a Dire Hit Effect mid-combo on an airborne opponent)
- Counter Hits now apply 4 extra frames of Hit Pause on the final hit of the move, rather than 4 frames of extra Hit Stun. This allows for more advantage in more situations, most specifically when the opponent is airborne
- LP and LK normals now scale a little more heavily if used as the first hit in a combo
Various non-poke SP and SK normals have had their number of active frames increased
Triggering Dire Hit Effects now rewards the player with 33% of a Craze Gauge section
Reduced the amount of Craze Gauge gained from being hit to 250% of damage taken (down from 350%)
- When a player is put into the Hard Knockdown state for the second time in a combo, they are immune to Normals and Specials for the remainder of the liedown state
- The first frame of Backdash is now vulnerable to non-throw attacks
- Increased the air throw startup time to 4 frames (up from 2)
- Reduced the minimal air throw damage to 12.5% (down from 25%)
- Air throws now change the player’s trajectory on whiff
- Various OTG attacks, typically Specials, can now be used to extend combos
- OTG attacks now apply additional damage scaling
- Various Tumble hit states have had their pushback reduced to make combos easier
- Players now start to round closer together
- Players now start with 1 Craze Gauge during Round 2, and 2 Craze Gauge during Round 3
- Special Throws that aren’t comboable can no longer be recovered from, instead always forcing a standard getup after a specific number of frames
- All-Out Attacks now pause the round timer anytime the Background FX are visible
- Reworked the enemy AI system, though it is currently incomplete for characters other than Ajit
- Added Crouch Jab, Low Kick, Sweep, Throw and Craze Parry to the React options in Training
- Added Heartbreaker to the Guard options in Training
- Fixed landing from a Flip Out causing the player to regain control later than intended, causing
- Craze Parry attempts to be Craze Focus instead, among other issues
- Fixed performing a Dash after switching sides with the opponent sometimes registering backwards
- Fixed armored states rewarding the user an incorrect amount of Gauge
- (Mostly) fixed the opponent not blocking projectiles when any Block option was set in Training
- Fixed "Double K.O.!!" not showing up outside of Round 1
- Fixed Side-S characters not having their voice lines for intros and winposes
Addendum Version 2.55
- Overhauled Chip Damage, overall increasing it
- Opponents are now immune to throw moves during their second knockdown in a combo, with the exception of against Side-L Bernie
- Fixed various inconsistencies with the new air throw changes
- Added info for global mechanics into each characters command list
- Fixed various errors with character-specific intros
A recurring trend in the following patch notes are an emphasis on block advantage, generally favoring increasing it for close range buttons.
Combined with the addition of more active frames, hopefully normals in neutral feel a lot better to throw out.
- Increased the hit advantage of 5LP and 2LP to +1 (up from 0)
- Increased the block advantage of 5LP and 2LP to -1 (up from -2)
"Roc Twister" has been redesigned. It no longer functions as a rekka, but should be more consistent across the board. The LK version still launches, but only has 3 strikes, while the SK version is still higher in damage and horizontal distance covered

Decreased the hit advantage of Close SP to +3 (down from +4)

Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +1 (up from -3)

Increased the hit advantage of "One-Inch Punch" to +3 (up from 0)

Increased the block advantage of "One-Inch Punch" to +1 (up from -3)
Increased block advantage of Close SP to +2 (up from -2)
"Buffalo Smash" now drains 2 Momentum on block
Changed the input of "Solar Ignition" to 214214PP
LP "Solar Burst" is now -2 on block (up from -3)
SP "Solar Burst" is now +2 on block when charged (up from 0)
Addendum Version 2.57

Increased the startup time of 5SP to 9 frames (up from 8)
- Increased the hit advantage of 5LP to +2 (up from +1)
- Increased the hit advantage of 2LP to +1 (up from 0)
- Increased the block advantage of 2LP to -1 (up from -2)
- Increased the block advantage of 5LK to 0 (up from -1)
- Increased the block advantage of 5SP to -3 (up from -4)
- Increased the block advantage of 5SK to -2 (down from -4)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +2 (up from 0)
Increased the recovery time of "Not a Chance!" by 1 frame
Something that has been the source of a surprising amount of trouble is Sherm's tatsu, this time being far too rewarding as a block pressure tool. We've depowered its ability to torment people up close, but given it a little something to make it useful as a callout from a distance away.
- Increased the block advantage of 5SP to -3 (up from -4)
- Increased the hit advantage of Close SP to +3 (up from +2)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +1 (up from -2)
- Decreased the damage of Close SP to 88 (down from 96)
- Retooled how 5SK works, decreasing its startup time to 8 (down from 12)
- Changed the second hit of j.LP to be a mid if the first connects or is blocked
- Adjusted the hurtbox and hitbox sizes during "Hurricane Senpuukyakuu"
- Added a graphic to the HUD that displays whether or not his Unique Trait is active
Increased the startup time of "Run-ryuken" to 4 frames (up from 2)
Both versions of "Hurricane Senpuukyakuu" are now -5 on block (down from -3 and -4)
Reduced the hitbox size and travel distance of "Power Punch"

Increased the active frames of "What If I Flip the Sprite? And…" to 4 frames (up from 2)

Fixed the 4SK version of "What If I Flip the Sprite? And…" having the same trajectory as the 6SK version

Sherm is now immune to projectiles during "Hurricane Senpuukyakuu"
Fixed errors with "Ultimate Chesto Punch" that caused half-charged hits even when fully charged
"Ultimate Chesto Punch" hits now count as fully charged on Counter
"Denjin Habjouken" can now be held to increase its power and range
"Stinky Hurricane Senpuukyaku" now has a midair variant
Addendum Version 2.55

Reduced the damage of SK "Hurricane Senpuukyakuu" to 144 (down from 152)
"Jordan Shermtogeri" now always causes a Tumble
"Messatsu Garbage Grab" now causes a Tumble on hit
Can once again kara cancel "Can I Get Uuuuuuuuh Messatsu?" into "Shin Goku Messatsu"
Addendum Version 2.56
- Increased the startup time of "Footsie!" to 8 frames (up from 6)
"Messatsu Garbage Grab" can no longer grab airborne opponents outside of a combo
Wallace yelling and slamming his hands on the ground is pretty funny. Not being able to capitalize on an opponent getting Dired by it across the screen was not funny. Now it is also funny.
- Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +2 (up from -3)
- Increased the hit advantage of 2SP to +3 (up from -2)
- Increased the block advantage of 2SP to -3 (up from -8)
- Increased the block advantage of "Eine Tonne Schritt" to -1 (up from -3)
- Adjusted the Floor Splat height of "Mondherrschaft"
- "Friedhofsbeben" now has a Wipe Out Dire Hit Effect which pulls the opponent in

Removed the grab range limit from "Unterwelt Zerbrechen"
Charging "Friedhofsbeben" now causes a Wipe Out which pulls the opponent in
L-Reaper was previously hamstrung by their ability being a little too powerful, creating loops before some of their tools were scaled back. We've reworked their Craze Technique a bit to allow them access to these interesting combos while negating the loops, but also making Drones easier to manage in the process.
- Adjusted the hit velocity of "Meteor_Strike"
- Increased the block advantage of 5SK to -3 (up from -4)
Increased the projectile speed of "Crash_Comet"
Fixed an error that caused the graphics on their satellite HUD element to glitch out

Decreased the block advantage of 5LP and 2LP to -3 (down from 0)

Increased the hit advantage of Close SP to +3 (up from +2)

Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +1 (up from -5)

Increased the block advantage of Close SK to -3 (up from -4)
Summoning Drones with "Booster_Deploy" now takes longer by default, but will always summon up to 3. Pips below the Drone indicators will fill over time, with each filled pip speeding up the next "Booster_Deploy"
Increased the rotation speed of the "Grav_Spinner" projectiles
"Shooting_Star" projectiles now have multiple hits, equal to the number of Drones when spawned
Increased the block advantage of 5LP and 2LP to -1 (up from -3)
Increased the block advantage of 2LK to -3 (up from -4)
Increased the block advantage of 5SP to 0 (up from -2)
Decreased the damage of his grounded throw to 8 (down from 40)
NEW MOVE: "Electro_Magnum_Pulse," a second strike to his 5SP. Can be chained out of as if it were a Normal
Addendum Version 2.55
Hitting with midair SP "Planet_Grappler" or hitting an airborne opponent will now cause QREAPER to automatically follow up with "Meteor_Strike"
Though it may not have seemed it, we found our wrestling superstar was lacking in a few key areas. Side-C struggled quite a bit on block, while the alter ego was getting a little too much flak for her villainous playstyle. Hopefully these adjustments give her the edge she needs to polish up her performance.
- Increased the block advantage of 2LP to -1 (up from -2)
- Increased the block advantage of Close LK to 0 (up from -1)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SK to +1 (up from -1)
LP "Star Lariat" no longer knocks down, but is now -3 on block

Reduced the startup time of "Senton" to 26 frames (down from 29)

Increased the block advantage of "Senton" to 0 (up from -2)

"Sunset Slam" now performs the grab based on horizontal proximity, regardless of whether the opponent is grounded or airborne

"Dolphin Splash" / "Shark Splash" now causes a Tumble state on airborne opponents
SP "Revolution Slash" is now +1 on block (up from 0)
SP "Revolution Slash" now vacuums on block
Accumulative Heat gain during a combo now resets after regaining control (I.E. when a series of stance cancels is broken up by anything that isn’t a stance move)
Normalized the advantage of "Blast Knee"
The damage of "Caliente Catapult" is now relative to the damage of "Lights Out," overall increasing its damage in combos
Addendum Version 2.55
- Reduced the midair hit velocity of 2LK
Not much to see here. A little quality of life, a little keeping the vigilante in check.
- Increased the hit advantage of Close LK to +3 (up from +2)
- Increased the block advantage of Close LK to +1 (up from -3)
- Increased the block advantage of 5SP to -1 (up from -3)
- Increased the hit advantage of Close SK to +3 (up from +2)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SK to +1 (up from -1)
"Fall of Atenism" is now activated by holding SP+SK when using "Portal Set." Otherwise, Boundary’s Craze Technique is always "Portal Set," replacing existing portals with new ones
"Portal Distort" projectiles now disappear when Boundary blocks an attack
"Revenge of Horus" is now -3 on block in most situations
Reduced the gravity pull strength of "Vacuum Implode"
Fixed being able to combo off of "Dust Devil Dance"
Decreased the recovery of "Gift of Ptah" by 12 frames
Added tracking to the "Gift of Ptah" projectile
Increased "Gift of Nu" cancel recovery by 1 frame
Recoded "Spirit Rider," decreasing its startup time and improving its tracking
Addendum Version 2.55
Fixed "Portal Set" sometimes placing Portals in incorrect positions
Added directional buffering for "Portal Set"
Addendum Version 2.57
Fixed the "Gift of Ptah" projectile dealing an incorrect amount of chip damage
Full Palette has been a point of pain since its first outing, and not just for Baxter's opponent! We've once again taken the approach of removing its glaring strength, but compensating with tweaks that should keep it interesting to work with. It no longer extends combos, but it will make sure that he hurts, and can be maintained for quite a long time with clever play!
Side-S has also had more changes to emphasize his rushdown style: his normals have gotten a bit shorter, but otherwise stronger.
- Decreased the block advantage of 2LP to -3 (down from 0)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +1 (up from -2)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SK to +2 (up from 0)
The damage bonus from "Full Palette" is now a flat 8 (previously scaled with combos)
"Violet Shot" is now a combo ender
Increased the "Full Palette" timer regeneration rate while using Craze Techniques
Fixed a bug that caused Baxter to enter a landing state after using "Full Palette"
Now has a unique Far SP, which has less range but is faster and better on block
2SK is now only the second hit of the other sides’ 2SK
Replaced "Sky Blue Thrash" with "Royal Blue Sting," which has less range but is faster
- Increased the block advantage of 2LP to -1 (up from -2)
- Increased the block advantage of 5SP to -3 (up from -5)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +1 (up from -3)
- Increased the block advantage of 5SK to -3 (up from -4)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SK to +2 (up from -1)
- Fixed his air throw having no range limit

Increased the block advantage of 5LP to -1 (up from -3)
Addendum Version 2.55

Increased the recovery time of "Sea Stop" by 2 frames
I would say something like, "this game still has bugs in it," but we've all heard it already.
- Increased the block advantage of 5LK to -1 (up from -2)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SK to +2 (up from -1)
- Increased the proximity range of Close SK
The charged version of "Volt Halberd" is now invincible to air moves while rising

Reduced the startup time of "Volt Halberd" and "Volt Zweihander" by 3 frames

Reduced the recovery time of "Volt Halberd" and "Volt Zweihander" by 4 frames

"Volt Zweihander" now has an alternate 2KK input
"Lightning Bunker" now applies Static Cling on hit
If "Volt Javelin" connects and consumes Static Cling, following with "Volt Slicer" will now enhance it similarly
The "Dohyo Daioh" damage and defense changes are now in 5 distinct ‘sections’ of the stage, increasing or decreasing the appropriate stat by 5% or 10%, rather than being a decimal value between 0%-10%
Addendum Version 2.55
- Fixed his All-Out EXs having incorrect scaling values
Fixed the first hit of empowered "Volt Halberd" causing a Floor Splat against airborne opponents
Addendum Version 2.56
Fixed various issues with canceling into "Hover"
Addendum Version 2.57
Landing while using an air normal after using "Hover" now causes a special landing state in which Goliath can still act but cannot jump or walk for 8 frames
Empowered “Volt Riser” now always transitions into "Hover"
In spite of L-Necross being designed around combos, she seemed to be lacking a combo tool that everyone else had! We fixed that.
- Decreased the block advantage of 2LK to -3 (down from -1)
Increased the block advantage of "Cherubim Mimic: Phalanx" to -3 (up from -5)
Increased the damage of "First Sphere: Cherubim’s Cord" to 144 (up from 128)

Increased the block advantage of "Third Sphere: Tower of Babel" to +1 (up from -2)
Reduced the damage each stack of "Divine Countdown" adds
"Third Sphere: Archangel's Tether" can now be freely comboed from
Increased the startup time of "Third Sphere: Archangel's Tether" to 21 (up from 19)
Decreased the damage of "Third Sphere: Archangel's Tether" to 128 (down from 160)
Lowered the midair hit velocity of "Icthys Bones"
Addendum Version 2.55
Fixed the "Jonah 1:17" projectile lingering after Necross was hit
"Second Sphere: Power's Approach" now is no longer an attack, but has 4 less frames of startup and recovery
Addendum Version 2.57
Fixed "First Sphere: Seraphim's Song" not causing a static knockdown
Fortunately, we're quite content with where our ninja rockstar has landed! Each Side mostly got their own version of a combo extension buff.
- Increased the hit advantage of Close SP to +2 (up from -2)
- "Sunset" now causes Emi to jump up higher during startup if the opponent is not below her, making it easier to connect
The "Cloudy Weather" Teleport Application projectile now causes a Tumble on hit
The "Cloudy Weather" Teleport Application projectile now explodes on block, making it safer
Fixed various visual errors with Soul Fragments using the wrong colors
Increased launch height of "Spring" when using a Soul Fragment from an opponent
Increased the floor bounce height of "Hanami"
Adjusted Emi’s trajectory during "Shadow Step"
Addendum Version 2.55
Fixed the Teleport Application for "Clear Skies" not costing Adrenaline
"Raindrop" now causes a Flipout on non-Dire hits
Addendum Version 2.56
"Spring" Teleport Application now gives Emi control at the peak of the attack and can be canceled into "Cloudy Weather" Teleport Application
Reduced the damage of "Spring" Teleport Application to 120 (down from 136)
Increased the startup time of "Spring" Teleport Application to 21 frames (up from 15)
Removed the reversal properties from "Spring" Teleport Application
Lucy is another character with a bit of an identity issue. Her moves total up to quite an unorthodox playstyle, and certain options seemed a bit redundant. Her anti-air special and Asmos' lunging attack should now have more distinct uses between strengths, and her combos should have a little more flare overall.
- Increased the hit advantage of Close LK to +3 (up from +2)
- Increased the block advantage of Close LK to +1 (up from -2)
- Increased the hit advantage of Asmos 5SK to +1 (up from -1)
"What Goes Up Must Come Down" is no longer an overhead
Decreased the startup time of LP "What Goes Up Must Come Down"
Decreased the jump angle and increased the active speed of LP "What Goes Up Must Come Down"
SP "What Goes Up Must Come Down" no longer hits grounded opponents on the way up, but is active for the full midair flight

LP "Here I Spin Again On My Own" now only performs the initial upwards swing

Increased the grounded hit velocity of SP "Here I Spin Again On My Own"
"Seems Like All Vampires Know This Trick" projectiles now travel in an arc
Tightened up the graphics
Lucy’s SP and SK normals now become their ‘unarmed’ versions while the associated gem is deactivated
Increased the midair hit velocity of "I'm A Glutton For Misery" while Beelzeblood is empowered
Lucy’s movement FX are no longer visible during "Full of Pride, Make Me Hide"
Fixed "Better Think Fast Or Get Blown Up" not transitioning to the initial attack as intended against midair opponents
Addendum Version 2.55
Lowered the airborne hit velocity of the first hit of LP "What Goes Up Must Come Down"
Fixed an issue that could cause lag when Lucy was hit by certain All-Out Attacks
Our primary concern with GABBY going into this update was the strength of Side-L. Capable of pulling cards out freely and looping with Triope, she was an awful lot of Cannon for her Glass. Though we toned these features down, it wasn't without some consolation gifts.
- Increased the hitbox size of 2SP
- Decreased the block advantage of 5LP to -2 (down from 1)
- Now has a Close SK, which is faster and more advantageous on hit and block
- NEW MOVE: "Kun Flugiloj," a Command Normal with decent range that can be used in combos without consuming Dire Stacks
- Adjusted the velocity of both GABBY and her opponent during her air throw
- "Mortigu Ungegon" now skips to the recovery animation after hitting or being blocked, making it -3 on block (up from -11)
Increased the recovery time of "Miksi" by 4 frames
The "Valet" projectile now disappears when interacting with other projectiles, or when countered/parried
The "Dama" projectile now falls faster after bouncing into the air
The "Jokero" projectiles can now hit while they’re idle
"Triope" now increases her movement speed for the duration
"Triope" duration now decreases during combos and when her moves are blocked
Fixed "Militisto" not having a Dire Effect
"Nostalgio" no longer low crushes, nor does GABBY travel backwards
Fixed the "La Kometo de Gabby EX" clone traveling offscreen
Addendum Version 2.56
- Fixed "Kun Flugiloj" being flagged as an overhead
Hey, Isabella! Your tournament's pretty cool. Keep up the good work.
- Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +1 (up from -3)

Adjusted the hit velocity of "Eclat de Lune"

Decreased the damage of "Eclat de Lune" to 128/136 (was 144)
Addendum Version 2.55
The "Le Crysantheme" projectile now only hits after a short delay
Our initial idea for S-TYRANT was to reward him for an unrealistic amount of input holding with big payouts.
Turns out that amount of charging is, in fact, realistic.
Alternatively, Both C and L were sitting a little too pretty with casual armor at the press of a button. This proved to be a bit dominating, even for a final boss, so we've put some restrictions on the evil overlord.
- Increased the recovery time of 5SK by 2 frames
- Increased the block advantage of Close SK to -3 (up from -5)
Redesigned "DEVIL'S SCUTUM" so that there are 3 distinct charge levels, and armor is only applied to the release/active frames

Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +1 (up from -1)

Decreased the block advantage of "DARK TORNADO" to -7 (down from -4)

Decreased the startup time of "DARK TORNADO" to 15 frames (down from 17)

Added a vacuum effect to midair "DARK TORNADO" hits

Increased the block advantage of "SHADOW FANG" to -3 (up from -5)
"EMPEROR'S TREMOR" no longer has armor against aerial attacks
Changed the way Charge Specials work: charge times are 1 level per every 30 frames (half second) up to 10 levels after 5 seconds. The bonuses that Specials gain are lessened as a result, almost exclusively varying the damage and Gauge gain, but gaining a new properties if charged to level 5 or higher
Increased the startup time of "WAR CRY" to 21/31 frames
The "WAR CRY" buff for "VULCAN BREATH" now instead causes TYRANT to fire a quick, powerful beam
"EMPEROR'S MAGNITUDE" now hits less times. The damage and gauge gain have been adjusted accordingly
Addendum Version 2.57
Adjusted the hitboxes on "ANCIENT CREST"
Potentially the biggest upset of this patch was the last rework we have planned: Side-S Ikue. Though we weren't too displeased with the humorous original version, we also felt it wasn't in the spirit of the Side-S roster to have a character so similar to their C and L counterparts. Though it's sad to say goodbye to one of the Sides that started it all, we're quite happy to introduce a brand new Ikue for you all to enjoy!
- Increased the block advantage of Close LP to -1 (up from -4)
- Increased the block advantage of Close LK to +1 (up from -1)
- Increased the block advantage of 5SK to -2 (down from 0)
- Reduced the recovery time of "Back Slash" by 2 frames, making it -1 on hit (up from -3)
- NEW MOVE: "Heaven Piercer," a downward-striking jumping Command Normal. It was supposed to be Side-S-specific but accidentally got into the other sides and now I don’t wanna fix it
NEW UNIQUE TRAIT: "Denjin Charge," a passive Craze Gauge gain equal to the length of time that her charge inputs are held
"Denjin Install" now no longer changes her Special moves or has a timer, but rather gives her access to Denjin Phantasm versions of her new Specials, in which a delayed image of herself appears and mirrors the chosen move. "Denjin Install" itself, "Denjin Overdrive" and "Denjin Armageddon" all grant her a boost in movement speed and increased air actions, and the boosts will be retained for future rounds once Ikue enters "Denjin Install" again. Denjin Phantasm Specials can be used once her "Denjin Install" resource recharges, which happens faster with each boost
Now has a dash instead of a run
NEW MOVE: "Metal Heel," an overhead kick Command Normal
NEW MOVE: "Sonic Bullet," a charge projectile that travels slowly during the LP version, and very quickly during the SP version
NEW MOVE: "Roaring Blade," a charge reversal Special
NEW MOVE: "Killing Strike," a charge strike where Ikue lunges across the screen to stab forward with Denjin
NEW MOVE: "Meteor Slash," a large overhead sword swing that bounces the opponent towards Ikue on hit
NEW MOVE: "Lightning God Slash," an All-Out Attack where Ikue launches a projectile across the ground, which triggers a lightning strike on the opponent on hit
NEW MOVE: "Typhoon Blade Kicks," a reversal All-Out Attack
NEW MOVE: "Thunder Dragon Slash," an All-Out EX version of "Lightning God Slash"
NEW MOVE: "Denjin Finale," an All-Out Destruction where Ikue performs several spinning kicks with her sword before delivering a finishing blow
Addendum Version 2.55
- Increased the startup time of held "Blunt Force" to 21 frames (up from 20)
"Blunt Force" and "Heaven Piercer" now benefit from Chip Damage
Increased the recovery time of "Sonic Bullet" by 4 frames
Reduced the velocity of the SP "Sonic Bullet" projectile
Addendum Version 2.56
Decreased the hitbox width of "Roaring Blade"
Decreased the hitbox width of "Killing Strike"
Sometimes you just have to admit you made a mistake.
I, your humble narrator, creator of Teri, gave her a move that basically has no reason to exist. It's gone now. But there's a good one in it's place now so it's all okay.
- Increased the block advantage of 2LP to -1 (up from -2)
- Decreased the block advantage of 2LK to -3 (down from -2)
- Increased the block advantage of Close LK to 0 (up from -3)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +1 (up from -2)
- NEW MOVE: "Broad Stroke," a low-hitting Command Normal, which functions as a Sweep in Side-S
- Removed "Tower"

Lowered the midair Floor Splat height of "Oppress Claw"

The SK version of "Undercurrent" no longer sends Teri anywhere, acting as a fakeout
"Get There Some Time" can no longer travel backwards
Addendum Version 2.55
- Fixed being unable to chain "Broad Stroke" into any of her All-Out EXs or All-Out Destructions
Addendum Version 2.56
"Inner Demon" cancels on block now cost 2 Feral stacks
Bernie takes home the award for 'Most Assorted List Of Changes,' for sure.
- Increased the block advantage of 5LP to -2 (up from -3)
- "Crashing Down" can now be comboed off of when used in neutral
- Removed the grab range limit from "Crashing Down"
- Fixed a bug with "Crashing Down" which caused it to whiff on opponents that enter the hitbox after the first active frame
"Adrenaline Thrush" is now generated from any successful hit, with Counter Hits giving significantly more
Lowered the midair hit velocity of "Stronger Than Dirt"
Reduced the number of hits on SK "Stronger Than Dirt" to 4 (down from 5)
Added a holdable version of SK "Stronger Than Dirt"

Increased the grounded Floor Splat height on the overhead hit of "Goldenjoyer"

NEW MOVE: "Object Weasel," a Command Normal where Bernie swings a sock full of items, useful for pokes and Dire combos
Removed his third arm

Adjusted the airborne hit velocity of LK "...And Get Me"

Decreased the block advantage of SK "...And Get Me" to -5 (down from -2)’
Bernie suffering from a Dire Counter as a result of having matching Dice will now reroll the second Die
NEW MOVE: "Iron Time," a midair Command Normal where Bernie swings his pipe downward
Changed the Dire Effect of "Left Food" to a Restand Crumple
Ice too good. Except one move which too bad. Now both not that.
- Increased the block advantage of 5LP and 2LP to -2 (up from -3)
- Increased the block advantage of Close SP to +1 (up from -3)
- Increased the block advantage of "Yacky Sack" to +1 (up from -4)
- I don't remember Jane Bane having blood
Frost gauge progression after a "Freezer Burn Creep" freeze is now reduced further during the same combo
"Frozen Strut" now performs a counter attack when blocking a move that reduces the Frost gauge to zero
Removed the Frost gauge reduction from "Death's 'Cicle"
Addendum Version 2.57
- Fixed "Burning Brouhaha" not causing a static knockdown